- Ican tell the seas about. 向大海诉说我们的故事。
- The old sailor still had a smack of the sea about him. 这老水手身上仍然带有海的味道。
- He was not sailorly, and yet he had a smack of the sea about him too. 他不象个水手,却又带着海上的风味。
- Tell the Israelites to turn about and camp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. You shall camp in front of Baal-zephon, just opposite, by the sea. 你吩咐以色列子民转回,在米革多耳及海之间的丕哈希洛特前,面对巴耳责丰安营,即在巴耳责丰之前,靠近海边安营。
- I found something large floating on the sea about a mile away from the shore. 我发现一个很大的东西漂浮在离岸边约一英里远的海上。
- If you're a fisherman in South Korea's part of the Sea of Japan and a minke whale is trapped in your net and dies, you can sell its meat legally if you tell the government about the bycatch. 如果你是日本海南部韩国海岸上的渔民,有一头小须鲸闯入了你的渔网死掉了,那么在告知政府你无意间捕到了这头小鲸之后,你就可以将它的肉合法出售。
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds. 让园丁把这些花圃修剪一下。
- The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone. 褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出来。
- I adjure you to tell the truth before this court. 我要求你对本庭说实话。
- He wanted to tell the news to the world. 他要把这件事告诉每一个人。
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。
- The storm heaved the sea into mountainous waves. 风暴在海面上掀起万丈波涛。
- Tell the noisy boys to stay away. 叫那些吵闹的男孩子们走开。
- She told the sea witch that she wanted the magic potion. 她向海巫婆说她想要这帖神奇药水。
- They pledged never to tell the secret. 他们发誓决不泄密。
- The DPRK ship, "Zo Ming 3", leaned Friday afternoon at the sea about 20 nautical miles north of Weihai port after seawater entered two cargo cabins, according to the Weihai Maritime Bureau. 据威海海事局提供的消息,朝鲜货轮“朝明3号”在其两个货舱进水之后于星期五下午在距离威海以北20海里的水域发生倾斜。
- The sea have erode the cliff face over the years. 海水经年累月冲刷著峭壁的表面。
- "Tell the Israelites to turn back and encamp near Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. 摩西向海伸手,耶和华就用极强的东风,一夜之间使海水退去;
- Little Mary can now tell the time. 小玛丽现在会认钟了。